Voyaige Product Roadmap
Voyaige is born!
January 13thStream API responses
January 23thAdd 150+ countries & 2000+ citites
February 3rdUse OpenAI Chat GPT-4 model
February 19thHotels & local dishes modules
February 24thPerformance code refactor
March 14thIntro to the city & cultural etiquette modules
April 22ndNightlife module
April 27thVision & mission
May 1stUser authentcation & saving plans
May 19thUser profiles with preferences and constraints
Q2 2023Downtown walking tours with text to speech
Q2 2023AI Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
Q3 2023Community, media and virality
Q4 2023* This roadmap is subject to change. We will update it as we go.